How Do I Take My Dog Camping?

How Do I Take My Dog Camping_

So you’re planning your next camping trip and are wondering if you can bring that furry friend along with you? Just pack up their bags and head to your pet friendly campsite.

What Do You Do With Your Dog While Camping?

Exploring new trails and paths is a great way to exercise while you and your dog enjoy the wilderness. New smells and sights are not just enjoyable to you but also your furry friend. Swimming is the perfect way to cool down on a hot day or after a long hike so why not continue bringing your dog along! Taking a deep breath and relaxing without the distractions of your everyday life can be comforting to you and them.Your dog is your companion and as they see you relaxing they will also begin to relax and enjoy the outdoors by your side.

Check With Your Campground

One of the first things before booking your camping stay is to always contact the campground. Many National, state, and local parks allow pets to stay and visit with guests. Each campground has their own list of rules and regulations as to what your dog can and can not do. These might include entering buildings such as restrooms and/or offices, being off leash, and being left unsupervised in a tent, camper or car. So before booking, you should call the campground and ask about their pet policy and rules.

Protection For Your Dog

The risk of fleas, ticks, and other pet illness is a risk when you bring your dog into the outdoors. Keeping your pet up to date on their shots while closely monitoring them will keep them at  lower risk of becoming ill. Keeping your dog on a leash is important to keep them safe. Being on a trail or around a campsite could seem safe but coming in contact with a wild animal or poisonous plants are a threat to them. If your dog gets loose and runs away, they do not know the way home from this new location. Having them microchipped will give someone the ability to look up your information if they find your dog. Teaching them basic training such as sit, stay, and come will help keep them near you and away from threats as well. Boots for dogs will help protect their paws in the cold or the hot weather, preventing them from burns or frostbite.

Sleeping Arrangements

Just like at home, your pets safety is important when sleeping. Before bed you should pick up trash, clothing, and any other items that your dog enjoys chewing on. Taking your dog out to use the bathroom one last time before going to bed will help them sleep through the night and be less fussy while trying to sleep. If your dog is already used to sleeping in a crate or cage at home it is recommended to bring that with you as this will make them feel safe and comfortable. If your dog does not sleep in a cage, purchasing an easy packable sleeping mat, or bringing their bed from home, will give your pet their own space inside your tent. Sleeping with your dog inside the tent is usually a requirement for campsites but it also is very important to keep your pet safe from wildlife and any animals they could encounter throughout the night. Separate tents for pets are typically not a good idea. Since you are in a new place, they can easily become spooked with outside noises and smells, so keeping them in the same tent as you will keep them feeling safe.

What If You Have To Leave Your Campsite

Don’t plan on leaving your dog unsupervised in your tent for longer than a few minutes while camping as they can get into things and even disturb other campers nearby. As most locations allow pets, several require that your pet does not enter any buildings such as the office and the bathrooms. But what about those times when you have to take a quick shower, or run inside the office to buy firewood?

Below are some ways to leave your dog unsupervised for short periods of time

  • Secure them in your tent or car with ventilation
  • Leave them with a cooling/heating pad depending on the weather (more ways to keep your dog cool while camping here)
  • Give them something such as a toy to keep them occupied
  • Do NOT leave them longer than a few minutes

Taking A Puppy Camping (Extra Things To Consider)

Puppies should be closely watched while camping. They are already very adventurous and curious about their surroundings, so bringing them camping introduces them to new smells, sounds, and critters. When bringing your puppy, be extra cautious and make sure they are updated on all shots and medication. Packing their bed from home and their favorite toy will make them more comfortable. Slowly introduce them to unknown things like a river or even fire. Keep your puppy on a leash around these unknown things so that they can be comfortably introduced without too much freedom for potential injury. As your puppy slowly gets used to water or learns to stay away from fire, you can slowly take them off the leash.

Go RV’ing Instead

If tent camping is not your style, RV camping is still a way to explore the outdoors with your dog while having a roof over your head. When it comes to RV camping with dogs it is important to keep the same mindset as if you were tent camping. Safety of your dog comes first. Make sure your dog has a comfortable spot to sleep, an area to access water, and follow all the campsite rules and guidelines. RV’s can also help in the extreme heat or cool weather keeping them from frostbite or heat stroke.

Can’t Bring Fido? Get A Sitter

If the campground does not allow pets, it is too hot/cold, if your dog is in heat, or you would have to leave your dog for longer than a few minutes throughout the day, it might be a good idea to get a pet sitter. There are multiple sites and apps such as Rover and Wag! that give you options for certified people to come to your house to walk, feed, and play with your dog.You could always ask a neighbor, friend, or family member to watch them while you are gone as well. The safety and well being of your dog is priority so if keeping them at home is the best idea, you do have the option of doing so.

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